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As the first of the international textile fairs MUNICHFABRICSTART opens the season twice a year with a comprehensive range of basic to haute couture fabrics as well as accessories and trimmings. Some 950 internationally renowned fabric and findings manufacturers from 35 countries present about 1,500 collections in Munich, thereby offering the fashion sector all the components they need to start the new season. Offering a continually high standard of information, inspiration and innovation MUNICHFABRICSTART has established itself as the leading trade fair for textiles and findings – with some 20,000 trade visitors including the Who’s Who of the fashion sector with buyers and designers from renowned fashion houses.


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Tre aziende, un solo obiettivo

La soddisfazione del cliente all'insegna della qualità.
La consapevolezza di avere i numeri:

  • 220 dipendenti
  • 18.000 mq coperti
  • 100 per 100 di dedizione ai propri clienti


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