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Spotlight on the accessory universe!

Buttons, buckles, metallic and plastic trims, embroidery and lace, labels, zips... The show's trimmings offer, already present at the show for several years now, is being expanded at the July edition. In a dedicate area, visitors will find components that, combined with textile patterns and fabrics, will lend the final note to their creation



Spotlight on the accessory universe!

Buttons, buckles, metallic and plastic trims, embroidery and lace, labels, zips... The show's trimmings offer, already present at the show for several years now, is being expanded at the July edition. In a dedicate area, visitors will find components that, combined with textile patterns and fabrics, will lend the final note to their creation

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Spotlight on the accessory universe!

Buttons, buckles, metallic and plastic trims, embroidery and lace, labels, zips... The show's trimmings offer, already present at the show for several years now, is being expanded at the July edition. In a dedicate area, visitors will find components that, combined with textile patterns and fabrics, will lend the final note to their creation

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  • 220 dipendenti
  • 18.000 mq coperti
  • 100 per 100 di dedizione ai propri clienti


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